Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week 6 Proverb of the Week

What DSS Value do you think this links closest to.  Justify why.
What DSS Learner Asset do you think this links closest to.  Justify why.
Share your thoughts about what you think this means.


  1. Value: Respect
    Why: We need to be respectful when others are talking so you need to LISTEN instead of speak

    Learner asset: Self aware
    Why: because to be self aware is to listen and speak when its your turn need to think before you speak

    I think this proverb means: That you need to let others have a chance to speak instead of you jabbering away and telling all the answers so no one else can learn!
    ~ Teekachu

  2. Values :Respect / Curiosity
    Why : Because we need to be setting a good example and we need to be respectful.
    Why : Because we might not know what the real reality and be curious.

    Learner Asset Self aware
    Why :Because to be self aware is to listen and speak when its your turn or you need to think before you speak

    I think this proverb means always be respectful and ask people questions to find out more .
    ~ Manpriya

  3. Values: Respect/Curiosity/
    Respect because we need to listen carefully to other people's ideas and think before we speak.
    Curiosity because we need to ask questions and think about the answers and how we can find out more.

    Learner Asset: Self Aware
    Self Aware because you need to be aware of how often you are talking and if you are letting others have a turn. Are you valuing their ideas or are you just thinking about your own ideas.
    Alex K.

  4. I think that this proverb relates to the value respect because you have to respect the person talking before you say your idea.

    I think this proverb relates to the learner asset self aware because you need to be aware of who is talking before talking over top of them because they might have good ideas that you need.

    I think this proverb means that you need to listen to people more than you speak because the person talking might have really good ideas.

  5. I think this proverb relates to respect, because you need to respect other people's ideas, and it also relates to curiosity, because you have to be curious to hear other people's ideas and learn from them.

    I think this proverb relates to team player, because you need to give your peers a turn at sharing.

    I think this proverb means that you need to level out your listening and talking, but mostly listen so that you learn other people's feelings and thoughts.
