Saturday, August 15, 2015

Cross Country

 Lochlan's cross country experience from a very bouncy Go-Pro. Very impressive to see he still had enough energy to dig it in for a sprint finish. Imagine being that Go-Pro!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


In Hub 2 this afternoon we sorted and classified some images. Mid way through we stopped and asked ourselves, 'What do we know about systems? How do these images relate to systems?'

We figured out that a system has - a start (Input), a Process where things happen to the product, and a product (Output).

Input - Process - Output

We then asked the following questions.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Senior Students Teaching our Juniors

A number of senior students have been spending time on Fridays in our new entrant class. The students share their literacy and digital skills with the junior students, teaching them how to create digital learning objects that share their learning.