Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week 5 Proverb of the Week

What DSS Value do you think this links closest to.  Justify why.
What DSS Learner Asset do you think this links closest to.  Justify why.
Share your thoughts about what you think this means.


  1. I think the proverb is closest to the value curiosity because you might not know what the actual truth is or learn more to improve . Also the learner ascent investigator is the closest to this proverb because you are curious to learn more about something and dive deeper in thought to build more knowledge. I think this proverb means that you should stand up for yourself and maybe listen to others so you know why its happening and how to solve it .
    Manpriya .

  2. I think the proverb means listening to others ideas and being able to listen to someone else and hear what they have to say or what the are going to say instead of one person calling the shots all the time. You need to have courage to be proud of what you know and what you have to say is right. And courage can get us everywhere. Alex K.

  3. I think this proverb means that it is great to be out there and have heaps of ideas to share but sometimes you need to give other people a chance to speak and you listen.

  4. Learner Asset: Communicator.
    Why: Because to stand up and speak you communicate while speaking.

    Value: Excellence & / OR Respect
    Why: Excellence because you need to have COURAGE and to have COURAGE you need to have Excellence, Respect because when you sit down and listen you be respectful and actually turn your ears on and use them while sitting down..

    I think this proverb means that it is great to be out there and have heaps of ideas to share but sometimes you need to give other people a chance to do there speak before you start to to yours and you listen while they are having a turn.

  5. The value that I think this links to is Respect, Excellence and Responsibility. Responsibility because you have to know when it is time to speak, and when you have to listen. Excellence, because you need to be courageous and come up and speak, but also let others have a go at sharing their ideas. Respect because although sharing your ideas with others is great, you also have to be respectful to others and let them share their own ideas. A learner asset that this links to is communicator. It is that because you need to be able to be courageous and stand up and speak, but also realize that others might want to speak as much as you do.

    I think this means you need to know how to listen as much as you know how to speak to everyone, sharing your thoughts.

  6. I think this proverb relates to communicator because you have to have courage stand up and speak.

    I think this proverb relates to respect and excellence because you have to respect the people talking when you are sitting down and it relates to excellence because you have to do your best when you are standing up and talking.

    I think that proverb means that you have to have courage to stand up and speak but you still have to have courage to sit down and listen.

  7. I think this proverb means to take courage and share your ideas and let other people share aswell.

  8. I think this proverb means that sometimes you need to share your ideas, even if you think that they are useless, because your ideas add impact to the original idea. It also means that you need to let other people share their ideas, and listen. I think the start of this relates to me, because I don't think my ideas are good enough.
