Sunday, June 26, 2016

Week 9 - Proverb of the Week

Friendship is not a big thing, it is a million little things.

What does this mean to you?  Give an example of true friendship.


  1. I think this quote means: You don't need to do one huge thing to do to get a best friend, All you would need to do is lots of small things for them instead on one huge thing because 1 million is better than 1 huge thing
    Learner Qualities: Self aware - You need to be self aware on what you choose out of One big thing OR 1 million small things.

    1. A true friendship example was on the 25/6/16 on my birthday party. I asked if she had any money and she was like "oh..." So I didn't even ask my mum what was a huge thing and I said "Oh.. Well.. You can borrow my 20 dollars that I got from my birthday" and she was like: Thank you soooo much and she got a pencil case. Then we got lots of lollies and let her have most of it! - Sorry if this is one HUGE thing but I really wanted to share this! =)

  2. I think this quote means you don't need to do one thing to make them your friend you have to even all of your time out cause if you do one big thing then it takes more for a friend.It takes kindness and caring to have someone as a true friend.

    By Chloe

  3. Friendship is not about being invited to a party, Friendship is not about getting picked first for the team, Friendship is not lying just so you can hang out with all the popular girls. Its about not being invited to a party, It's about getting pick last, Its about hanging out with friends you can be honest to, it´s about having a shoulder and a true beat friend to cry to and to talk things out.

    So thats what I personelly think that´s what it means.

    By Sophie smith.

    1. It´s supposed to be best friend not beat friend.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. HI Kristopher, I'm not sure what this comment means? Could you clarify please.

    4. I was just having a little laugh

  4. This means to me that true friendship is when you can have many friends and you only have 1 thing in common and when you help them out you shouldn't be proud because it was your duty to do this . this also means to me when you dont know anybody and are talking to is a million thing or a million friends
    Here is an example someone you dont know has fallen over and you go and help them up.
    Manpriya :)


  5. I think this quote means: You don't need to do one huge thing to do to get a best friend, All you would need to do is lots of small things for them instead on one huge thing because 1 million is better than 1 huge thing
    Learner Qualities: Self aware - You need to be self aware on what you choose out of One big thing OR 1 million small things and Friendship is not about being invited to a party, Friendship is not about getting picked first for the team, Friendship is not lying just so you can hang out with all the popular girls. Its about not being invited to a party, It's about getting pick last, Its about hanging out with friends you can be honest to, it´s about having a shoulder and a true beat friend to cry to and to talk things out.

    1. i think i go with teeka and sophie

      From the amazing Jasmine

  6. i think that this means that if someone says to you come on lets do this and you say no they will say ill be your best friend then you say yes you don't need that friend friendship it is just a small thing in life you don't need to remember that friend forever and ever it is just a memory in life you don't need a friend well yes to talk to and to hang out with but you don't need that friend for life. by Natalie Smith-Warren

  7. To be a friend you need to do a lot of things:share, listen, compromise, be kind, be thoughtful,
    Doing all these things is not a big deal but all the millions of things that you do make up friendship.

    Alex K

    1. I agree Alex, what pearls of wisdom!

  8. I think it means you should not just have one best friend you should have one million friends so you can share the friendship around instead of giving all the friendship to one person.

  9. This proverb means that just having on friend actually spreads a aura around other people to actually do something rather than yourself. This just means that your friendship ability makes other people to hang it with or collaborate in events. This just makes yourself stand out.

    1. This isn't just little things.

    2. Kristopher, read this comment back to yourself. As your reader, I'm just not sure what you mean. Thank you!

  10. It's like helping each other with things and doing things you and your friends enjoy doing - My dad.

    That friends are not ONE big thing because you and your friends are not the same,Giving you different pieces like 'I like salmon but you don't.'-Finlay.

  11. I think that this quote means: That friendship isnt just about being there for each other. It's actually through the whole way of your life and you need the whole way so dont throw it away.

  12. I think this means that your friendship isn't small it's like practically your whole life in front of you but if you don't use your friendship then you're not going to have anyone to talk to or even hangout with.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think this means don't just do one big thing and expect someone to become your friend and do lot of nice things for you just because you did one big thing. You should do a million little things that would keep your friendship going strong like cheer your friends up when they feel blue, also be there if they need someone to talk to, another thing if they ask you what is wrong if you are not feeling okay then tell them and maybe they could help. So what I mean is don't just do one big thing do a million little things.

  15. i think it means that friend ship is not the most important but the things on your mind that you need done you can not got done with friend zakiya
